Politicians at home! Les politiques à la maison! I politici a casa!

Only the workers must manage their sweat

Only the workers can manage their sweat

No one else can do it for them

Only they know the price of the bread they eat.

Agents, cops!


The most disastrous invention in the world

When mankind will discover that his greatest catastrophe was the invention of God; When he discovers that his deputies, the priests, are his worst enemies; When he discovers that his lack of progress in science and in love is due to “them”, the priests; When he discovers this, if ever he will discover this, then he has left behind him the worst of his history and will start a new life and new story.

For a perennial philosophy

Saturday, 10 November, 2012, at 6 pm, Giovannacci’s bookshop, Italia street 14, Biella, I will present my latest book, “For a perennial philosophy or journey into virtual and physical immortality.” One of the many questions that is near to our heart is: does immortality existe? If the topic interestes you, you’re welcome. Thank you.


The Cristocatto Church

It’s a very simple argument really for anyone  who wants to understand. It is obvious that if God is dead ( see  last Sunday’s blog post: “God is dead”), if God does not exist and has never existed, then God is a lie. Perhaps it didn’t seem to be a lie to our ancestors at the dawn of civilization when they were little  more than beasts, but it has become a lie from the story of Christ onwards and particularly since the Church became the Cristocatto Church. Today it’s an absolute fact: God is dead, God never existed, God is a complete lie, God is exploitation.

Now let’s look at this rationally, if such a thing is possible in this world. You, reader, how would you explain the existence of God in a world that could be wiped out forever from one minute to the next: wiped out by a meteorite, for example; by a caldera (an enormous volcano like Toba), for example; by a nuclear war, for example, or by a gigantic tsunami. Just how would you explain it?


God is dead

Is that what Nietzsche says?

Yes, that’s what Nietzsche , the German philosopher, says.

In his opinion God is dead, and in your opinion?

I see it differently.

In what way?

To begin with, in order to die you have to be born first, and this functions for God, man and any other species, plant, rock, planet, star or whatever. So if that’s how things stand, when Nietzsche says God is dead, he’s wrong.

Can you explain?


Religion, science and the hurricane Sandy

Take, as an example, what is happening these days in America, take hurricane Sandy.

To recognize his formation, his destructive violence, fury and try to see and avoid the negative consequences on the population was science, meteorological science. And so, thanks to it, if the dead, instead of being many, possibly millions, are reduced to only 60/70 victims.

Now let’s we make a comparison with religion. What would have done religion in front of the hurricane Sandy that hit the population (religion do not see and do not forsee the consequences of natural disasters)? Nothing. Just nothing. Would only ask the believers to pray, to invoke God to save the population and to calm the fury of Hurricane Sandy, here is what would have made religion in the face of this destructive force. But, religion, in reality, could really stop the hurricane Sandy only with prayers and masses?

Reader, give yourself “your” reply!

The abc of existence

You are born and you don’t know why you are born

You grow up and you don’t know why you grow

You live and you don’t know why you live

You become conscious, if ever you become conscious, of what you are and what you do

Finally you die and you don’t know why you die

Here’s the abc of existence.

You have another version, reader?


Violence? Okay, violence then. The first question is who creates violence? The answer to this question is easy: the powerful men. Who pushes the people to violence? Injustice. And who creates injustice? The powerful men. Clear enough? Ok then. Then, it’s a vicious circle. In other words, the queen, the pope, the States, the capitalism, Bashar al-Assad king of Siria etc, these people and institutions are violence, legalized violence, not justice then, but violence justified by the law!

Infact, how much violence there is in all what the rich own, consume and waste? Think about the pope who is a moving fortune with all the jewels and the rich clothes he weares; think about the queen Elizabeth II when she gallops around London in her golden state-coach; think about Berlusconi organizing his bunga bunga parties; think how much violence there’s when a politician with all his staff goes to a five stars hotel?

It’s clear who pays the bill for these gentlemen, isn’t it?

Our leading institutions, in reality, they do not rappresente democracy, but a subtle enlightened barbarism. If so, our lives and our history are in the hands of legalized criminals; if so, how could modern man, who knows about this human butchery, accepts this kind of social contract?

As long as we live in this sort of world, the kind of violence created by Salman Rushdie, is really nothing, it is only the point of the iceberg. The real violence has not yet started!

We live in a cosmic coffin


We do not live in the best of possible worlds, as the philosopher Leibniz liked to think, nor do we live in a paradisiacal world and nowadays we know this only too well, thanks to science.

We don’t even live in an open space, as experts, cosmologists, physicists, etc. would have us believe, but rather in a cosmic coffin which, as well as being a coffin, also acts as a cosmic rubbish bin, that is, it collects and/or is bombarded with everything the cosmos chucks onto it. In other words, we could find ourselves buried under a mass of objects from outer space – meteorites, comets, stellar detritus, spatial material, ethereal filth, etc. – from one day to the next, with no notice and for no reason. We are a target in space, a shooting range for chance and the absurd. (more…)

If these are human beings

Anyone -black, white, yellow, creole- who believes he is a human being has a duty to denounce injustices, abuses, fraud; to denounce tyrants and especially those who purport to act in the interests of the people but in actual fact exploit the people.

You have to fight for your rights with drawn swords, fight for your dignity, humanity, liberty. Fight against all those who are greedy for riches and power; it is a question of life or death, being or not being.

Exploitation must be wiped off the face of the planet because anyone who exploits a human being is not a human being but an enemy of human beings. We are not born human, we become human. The exploiter, the parasite, the person who always wants more, has nothing of the human about him.

You have to get your hands dirty. There is no other way. In a world of crimes and institutionalized violence like ours there is no choice. There never has been. Dirtying your hands means cleaning them in the blood of the wicked. (more…)

Religion, politics and literature

What to say? Only that that I don’t agree with Mr Kenan Mal when he puts together, and nearly on the same level, religion, politics and literature. Not at all! There is much difference among them. The first two, religion and politics, like them or not, they have a great impact on our lives, they tell us how to live! It’s not the case with literature. In other words, no one could oblige me to read this or that book, and anyway I can always choose my reading, but it’s not so with religion and politics.

Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian killer

It must be clear from the start, I have no liking towards the nazi and murder Anders Behring Breivik, quite the opposite, mine is only a question, a question that begs understanding and not accusing. I would have liked to know if Anders Behring Breivik has done what he has done, that is mass killing, because he is mentally sick or because he is a psychopathic creature or a fool fanatic o just crazy or rather because he was pushed towards a such social behaviour, which goes under the name of determinism, social determinism.

A fanatic or a killer one is not born, one becomes so and surely society has something to do with it. In fact, such an extrem anti-social behaviour as Anders has dimostrated, must have been caused by something, what, what was the cause of it?

And again, I am not trying to soften his sentence, not at all, I just think that if we want to better ourselves, to improve, not our beastly selfish nature, but our humanity, we ought to understand what pushes us to violence. A reply would be appreciated. Thank you.

The twilight

For many years I sacrificed to my studies my emotional life, my family life, participation in the life of my generation: although I lived in my time, in some ways I didn’t belong to that time. I hardly knew anything about sport, music, songwriters, dancing, the fashions which young people followed, holidays and much else. I had no choice if I wanted to recoup, culturally speaking, the years I had lived with animals “in the wild”. I was prepared to pay any price, to deprive myself of anything in order to attain my goals. For human beings everywhere this should be a sacred, inviolable and inalienable right.


The Righteous

 More than once I turned down the opportunity of fortune or, let’s say, a certain financial security. Here are three examples. The first was with Paris Vision. The owner, Mr. Georges, if I remember his name correctly, offered me a career in the company. With a little determination and my knowledge of languages I knew I could have become an excellent organizer of Paris Vision and earned some good money, but I turned it down. The second opportunity occurred in Australia, at the European School of Languages, in fact. The parents of Rebecca G. ( whose mother, Mrs. G., in order to get to know me, had attended one of my French courses for two years, even though she knew French better than me) wanted to marry me off to their only daughter, and if I had accepted, a villa and half a million dollars would have been included in the package. Rebecca, who taught English at my school, was apparently in love with me but I, unfortunately, was not in love with her. So I turned down this splendid offer. The third occasion also concerned my school. I had somehow, instinctively, turned into a miser, something which had always been totally alien to my nature but which developed once money started to fall into my pockets so easily. Then I would feel a greedy shiver, the call of money demanding more money. I no longer wanted to spend, I just wanted to save, pile it up, put money in the bank. I got to the point where I would even deny myself the purchase of a book that I really wanted! In short, I no longer recognised myself. So I sold the school, putting an end to the temptation to become yet another worshipper of the god of egoism.


The nightmare

Everyone has his borderline experiences. I had had one of these in Paris a few years before I started working as a tourist guide for Paris Vision. My existential angst, which I had long been keeping under control by sheer will power, suddenly exploded. Then a nauseating, gloomy, intolerable vision of life took hold of me, possessed me. There was no escape from it. I hated everything, death above all. Just the idea of it terrified me, made me feel powerless, rebellious, neurotic. I felt trapped, couldn’t free my mind and my gut of these destructive, negative feelings. I even despised the world that man had constructed, a world that I knew something of by then, having had personal experience of it. I knew what it meant to work, to struggle to survive. I tried to find an acceptable comparison between living with human animals and living with animal animals, such as goats, and I couldn’t find one. Goat society seemed to me to be a million times better than human society. Goats don’t kill each other, they live pacifically together. I had become convinced that any other animal on earth, however brutal, could not possibly have created such a false, bestial society.


The dream

At the beginning of the Seventies, I began to give French and Italian lessons to small groups of students in private schools – International School of Languages, Holmes Language School, Berlitz Language school in Melbourne. I would have liked to have had a deeper, more academic knowledge of these languages but what I did have was, in any case, more than adequate for my courses.

A few years later, with some financial help from a friend, and sticking to my principle, if other people can be successful why shouldn’t I be ?, I opened a language school: European School of Languages, in the centre of the town where I was living. I would never have expected it to be such an amazing success; it was incredible. In the space of a few years about twenty-five part-time mother-tongue teachers were teaching at the European School of Languages and all the classrooms were constantly in use. Fantastic!


A writer in search of an editor

On account of its State and Church-sponsored publishing, Italy finds itself in sixty-ninth place out of all the countries in the world with regard to free thought.

The writers of this mentally castrated country, who should have been its torch and driving force, and who, with a few exceptions, have contacts in the right places and access to subsidized publishing houses, are unable to produce anything innovative and original.

Recently the editor Bompiani suggested that film director and actor Carlo Verdone should write his biography, adding that they would provide a ghost writer to help him. In other words the biography would not be written by the film director (in fact it has already been published by the above-mentioned editor) but would largely be written by the ghost writer. Verdone quite frankly admitted this on Fabio Fazio’s programme, Che tempo che fa on Rai3 on Sunday 26 February 2012.


The cost

Today I am in possession of three diplomas, two from universities and one from a college: one I obtained in Australia, at the Holmes College of Melbourne, one in Spain, from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, and one in Italy from the Università per Stranieri di Perugia. I have no idea what they are worth. Perhaps nothing, perhaps they are just pieces of paper and nothing more. But I have never been interested in qualifications. Whenever I took an exam the challenge was always with myself. I wasn’t desperate to get a diploma, I was desperate for knowledge; it wasn’t for the professors that I racked my brains, but because I needed to satisfy my hunger for knowledge. I wanted to understand the world, I wanted to know languages, to understand peoples, life, everything. My motto was and still is: I don’t know, therefore I suffer.

At any rate, and without wishing to offend educational institutions, I regard myself as self-taught. I did not meet the writers and people who transformed me, formed me, opened my eyes and revolutionized my existence in schools or universities but in real life and in the course of my reading. The books that I have read and the experiences that I have had have been my teachers; they are what have given meaning to my life, illuminated it.


The leap


When I was sixteen, resolute in the face of my mother’s objections, I went away, leaving my family, my animals, the place where I was born, and I set off for northern Italy.

In Turin I slept in cold, dark, wretched garages, with snow on the roof and water dripping inside. Sometimes I lived in dilapidated, filthy houses where there was no toilet, no drinking water, nothing at all, only a dirty mattress on the floor where you slept in your clothes beside strangers. Most of the time I worked on building sites.

My first love story, with a girl from Reggio Emilia,  ended painfully. She was semiliterate and so was I: we had no future. And I wanted to go back to school, I wanted to study.

In spite of the industrial atmosphere of the city and the tough life I led there I liked Turin: it opened my eyes, awoke in me a taste for life and for a world that I was impatient to discover.


The Two Fundamental Laws of the Universe.

Georges Charpak and Roland Omnès, in their interesting essay, “Be wise, become prophets,” write:

 “The fundamental laws of the universe are not many. They speak of a container and of a content. One is the container of absolute space-time, governed by the law of relativity; the other is the total content of matter in all its forms, including radiation. In this context, the laws are quantum. They are called “fundamental” in the sense that all the others, countless others in all their many forms and cases, objects and circumstances, derive from these two main laws. Now, the laws of general relativity, of space-time, generate two seemingly opposed effects: the expansion of the universe which expands space, and gravitational forces which compact matter. The gravitational field has assembled the uniformed matter of the origins to shape the galaxies, the very first stars and later, the planets.”

Here, Rossi, roughly, as was composed, piece by piece, our universe after the big bang. Put in a nutshell, the bosons of Higgs and the quarks have given rise to protons and neutrons, these, in turn, to atoms, atoms began to mix and filling pores among themselves, resulting in small balls, marbles that over time became balls. Then they became big stones and, as they grew, became massive, and developed a gravitational force. This game of attraction and growth on the one hand and expansion on the other, continued for billions of years before forming the planets, stars, galaxies, black holes, universes and, of course, the humans.

Now, in this mass of matter, two laws dominate, as correctly stated by the two French scientists: the law of expansion and the law of attraction, and then, only then, all others.

See “Has Life Meaning?”

Justice or/and bunga bunga?

The law, Rossi? Never esisted. Not in our country, anyway. In our country only exists the law made to protect the crimes of the rich and the powerful, other law doesn’t exist. Are you laughing? You shouldn’t my friend. The matter is as much absurd as dramatic. It’s so. No, doesnt exist in this country the law. Let’s not talk about justice. Please, do not mention it, it’s a blasphemy. No! I don’t want to hear, Rossi. Thank you. Today I am peremptory. Sometimes I just can’t help it. Today it’s so. Here, my friend, in this shit of thing, this nonsense institutionalized, in this country or what the hell you want to call it, law and justice belong to the parasites, those who never worked and yet own everything, other colour the law doesn’t have. How could be there justice, in a country where, statistically speaking, is the 69th in the world concerning the freedom of speech? Come on! The body of Italy, my dear Rossi, is, so to speak, industrial, and that’s okay, but its head, mind, spirit, call it as you wish, is found in the Middleage, the rest is rhetoric.

What a wonderful country to live in!

Do you have another definition?

What does it mean, exactly, to be a cardinal? Simple, in my opinion. It means to have the licence to tell lies, to cheat people as you wish, to sell opium without going in jail and to eat and live luxuriously without working. Not bad, don’t you think?

Letter to a greek friend

So do I, Joanna. I too support the greek people. Adriano Celentano, among lots on nonsense that he said at Sanremo’s Festival, he said also something good and I am glad for this. I agree with him about the fact that Germany and France obliged the greek rules, indifferent of the fact that the people are dying of hunger, to buy their weapons, and the world of course knows it. But the greek problem, in my opinion, is not only that. The greek problem is first of all a political problem and this Celentano couldn’t see. The greek politicians are corrupted and unable to rule in a dignified way the greek people, the same could be said about the italian politicians.

We can’t breath in our culture without breathing the wisdom and the philosophy of classical Greece, and yet even there things weren’t perfect. It’s enough to mention the return of Ulysses at home and the death of Socrates. Personally, in certain circumstances, I prefer to remember the words of the wise swineherd in the book of Homer when he says something like that: “We farmers work hard to grow the pigs so the others can eat ad enjoy them”. What has changed since then?

The greek people, not their rules, are the descendants of the swineherd in Homer’s Odysseus and they are good, honest and hard working people. Surely they deserve better leaders. I am totally on theri side.

Our, not only in Greece and in Italy, but all over the world, is a political problem: the basis of our institutions are discriminatory and rotten. Only a radical change of our society could save mankind, the rest are temporary panacea.

With love, francis

Horace Guglielmini Gives a Cosmic Geography Lesson to Rossi

So we start with a question: “How does the Universe look today? Now, to answer this question, we must start with things that are near to us, and gradually expand our look to the vast and immense spaces of the Universe.

To begin with, let’s try if we can see, almost feel, the curvature of the Earth. This has a diameter of almost 13 thousand kilometers. Imagine now a flat terrain with no obstructions. In the distance we can see the top of a skyscraper. If we lengthen this image 70 or 80 Kms, we would be able to see 400 or 500 meters below the horizon, at this point, we have the feeling of the curvature of the Earth. Then, if we raise our eyes, to one hundred kilometres above the Earth, both a cotton swab and a crystal ball move through space, gracefully, at the same speed, free from the earth’s gravitational pull.

 At this point, in the blink of an eye, we see the Moon, a second light that is 300 thousand kilometres away. Then, 150 million kilometers or 8 light-minutes away, we find the sun, with a  diameter of more than a million Kms, and consumes about 4 million tons per second of its fuel efficiency. In its core, elements boil at 15 million degrees centigrade. Even on the Sun there are rivers, not of water, but of incandescent plasma. They are over 30 thousand kilometres long, and 40 thousand are wide and deep, and run about 140 km / h.


The Big Bang vs Creation

The Big Bang

The beginning: nothing, not a noise, not a stirring, not a soul, the universe begins in absolute darkness and silence.

I First image: timeless and lifeless, the space does not exist yet, all is dense, tense, then, suddenly, bamm!, the big bang;

II Second image: a billionth of a billionth of a second after the big bang, when time and space begin, the universe is a concentration of pure energy;

III Third image: within an instant, the universe begins to expand and quarks and antiquarks, the building blocks of matter that give rise to protons and neutrons, start to be formed;

IV Fourth image: 20 seconds from the beginning of the universe, a dense cloud with a temperature of 300 million degrees is formed;

V Fifth image: 3 minutes from its beginning, protons and neutrons bind to form the first atoms of helium and hydrogen;


The Wonderland at a glance

Leonardo da Vinci has taught us that we cannot love anything until we understand it. “Nothing,” he says, “can be loved or despised without first having knowledge of it. Love grows from a great knowledge of the object of desire, and if one has only a little knowledge, then one can only love a little, or not at all.”

And that applies as well to our “country,” says Guglielmini. A Frenchman cannot love his country if he does not know its history, nor can an Englishman love and respect his country without knowing its history, nor an Italian, nor German etc…That would be too easy. Human animals, before taking to a place and habitat, needs to explore, to know it, learn about amenities and such, find out if there are other competitors around, creatures to be feared, etc.. And only then can they decide whether or not to sign on. And once signed on, they need to be ready, if necessary, to fight in defence for their habitat, even to death. For how can, we human animals, how can we feel worthy as esteemed citizens of our country and place if we do not know its nature, its laws and its history?

In “Wonderland”, Orazio Guglielmini discusses this very objective: to know the story, the heart and soul of one’s country.


Has Life Meaning at a glance

How many of our ancestors through the centuries, have asked this question? Surely not many. Until recently, one lived the life they lived, good or bad, one just just lived. Today views have changed. The values ​​of the past – the belief of design, in destiny, in the homeland, the monarchy, rulers, the family, ideologies –  are all beliefs that are no longer certain and can no longer be a basis on which to place our lives.

How can we, however, now, answer this hellish question of ‘has life meaning’?  Because it is hell to make sense of, to find some attributes to justify our presence on this earth, we invent  worlds, and of these fabrications none ever managed to fully meet our doubts and our need for knowledge and certainty. Furthermore we have and continue to butcher each other in the name of answering this question from hell.

Sense and nonsense, have a long history, a story that comes from afar, it is this story and this distance that we now want to talk about.


The predator State at a glance

In the past, the Church and the State vied for power, mostly using the sword: sometimes “he” ruled, others “she” ruled, or at times they ruled together. Today, however, both the Church and the State, are reduced to the role of  guard dogs of capitalism: the Church deceived the “flock” with false hope and empty promises of afterlife, while the State abusing the rule of “the people” with every means of psychological coercion. They do little more than protect the hierarchal state and criminality in which we live.  Politically speaking, things are like this: As long as the people are in need of leaders, then the people will forever remain as people, and leaders will remain as leaders. Only when people begin leading themselves, will things begin to change.

This reasoning goes like that: the “people”, the “working people”, have never needed leaders; the leaders, on the other hand, have always needed the people to give them the power they seek. In essence, why would  “working people” be in need of leaders, that is “social parasites”, that humiliate, exploit, and rob them of their lives?

Then quite clearly: as long as these institutions, the Church and the State and moreover Capitalism exist, mankind will never find peace. And furthermore is doomed, for the real and ultimate danger of Capitalism, church and state, is the destruction of everything that grows and breathes on this planet, including themselves.


Be The Architect of Your Life

“The Art of Living”

Only while alive, Rossi, in this life, can we find meaning. When we are the architects of our own lives, we feel involved in something wonderful: we are living and writing our own history, we are the protagonists of ourselves. Our life is not fiction, not fantasy, but reality. We own the characters of our lives. This then, is the art of living. We write and produce our own novel according to our own will: the most wonderful novel ever written!

What could be better than our lives? The experience leads us from one adventure to another, from one discovery to the next: we grow from the base and coarse to the fine and refined: human beings. One is not born human, humanity needs to be conquered. When we are the manufacturers of our destiny, it all begins to makes sense and we are committed, we find strength and zeal, we are filled with desire and joy to do, to exist, to live. Be sure, Rossi, that no one can deny you of your fantastic and wondrous right to experience. Be the master and the servant of your own life!


How to enhance and make the most of life

Thoughts of Orace Guglielmini


 The brutal question: what do we seek in life?

The simple answer: Meaning. Fundamental meaning for all our actions.

 Without meaning in our lives, we are like a vehicle without fuel. Clear enough? Well then, it is meaning which we seek. How? Where? Briefly, along five paths.

On the first of which, one learns about the physical world, this path is an easy one to follow. One begins with the origin of the universe, the big bang, and goes on to learn about all that has occurred since. Easy enough, no?

The second path way leads to the study of man, his physical, cultural, institutional and political evolution. Again, simple enough, it is a matter of a little bit of history, nothing more.

On the third path, once the physical and historical world is understood, then we are almost immediately emancipated, already giving an individual some meaning to life possible from acquiring only a basic and complete knowledge of the planet we live on.

The fourth path is that of salvation, which is achieved, and only done so, with proper effort from one’s brain, the dominant muscle of the body, because no one, if he wants to be a worthy son of the universe and a worthy citizen of the planet, can live and die with someone else’s contrived truth.

The fifth and final path, is the art of living. The art of living is the point where you have arrived, and life is nothing if not art, so enjoy it my dear reader. Life, that amazing, wondrous thing!

Translated from the Italian by franc sgambelluri, canadian



Wild flowers, a novel

I am an italian writer ignored by the italian publishers. I surely write awful books. One of them, “Wild flowers”, a novel, I will publish it (unfortunately in Italian) on Internet in serial form. Thanks to all the courageous italian readers who, in spite of the warning, they will undertake the reading of “Wild flowers”.

The Manifesto of Horace Guglielmini

The manifesto of Orazio Guglielmini can easily be deduced from Guglielmini’s “Testament”, thus very briefly: As long as there exists even one politician or one priest on earth, mankind will not find peace.

The  political-existential testament of Guglielmini is sealed in four books:

“The Divine Indifference”

“The Predator State”

“Has Life Meaning?”

“The Wonderland”

The first book presents the work of religion, the second examines the state system, the third seeks to determine whether or not life has meaning and in the fourth and final book, “The Wonderland”, Guglielmini analyzes his native land from its origin up to today, just as a therapist does with his patient.


One For All and All For One

This should be the motto of mankind One for all and all for one -, but is it? No, it isn’t. At this precise moment, all over the planet, millions of children, adults and elderly people are dying of hunger: they are our brothers, they are similar to us and they too, like us, are condemned to the same fate: death! In this precise moment destruction and desertification is going on in every corner of the earth: fewer forests, lesser life, more and more concrete. At this precise moment the sea is becoming more polluted: fewer fish, lesser life and more and more signs of desolation. All over the planet, at this precise moment, the hatred between rich and poor grows catastrophically and injustice increases everywhere.

What is happening to homo sapiens?


Happy New Year

To all: to those alone and to those in company, to those happy and to those not happy, to all, to all of you a big hug and a warm friendly handshake, none excluded, to all – stars, species, animals, trees, human beings, atoms -, in the name of human feelings, altruism and love, a very very happy New Year.

90% of humans serves as fuel for the remaining 10%

It is said that the story of the history of the universe affects only the bright part of matter formed by 10%. Of the other 90% nothing is known, it is thought to be composed of dark matter, dead stars, cosmic debris and other stuff that you do not see. The same could be said about the history of 90% of human beings. Only 10% have a story, the rest practically nothing is known, dark matter, stuff that you do not see. 10%, therefore, uses 90% of human beings to create a good life, to be rich and to become “luminous matter”. Said differently, 90% works as a fuel for 10%.


Italian author looks for English publisher

I am Francis. I was born in 1942 in South Italy. At nine I started to work. At sixteen I left South Italy. From sixteen to thirty I worked and studied. At thirty I found my first decent job: I was employed as a guide in a travelling agency in Paris. From then on my life changed; from then on my life was my “life”.

In Melbourne, Australia, in the Seventies, I opened a school: European school of languages. Towards the end of the Seventies, I sold it.

Again travelling and studying. I’ve got three diploms, two from universities and one from a college. I wrote four novels, three collections of short stories, Orazio Guglielmini’s will: four books, and an essay: For a perennial philosophy. Actually I hold a course in the “art of living” at the University of Biella.

I am looking for a publisher.


Condoms and bunga bunga

Great Italy! Rarely contradicts itself. During the International day against the Aids, came out with the idea that no one should pronounce the word “preservativo” (condom).

Here is a chattering among foreign and not foreign people in the streets of Milan.

Tu hablar el mio idioma?

Not a bit. What do you want?

Io essere invitato to a fiesta. Bunga bunga party, intiendes? This noche yo bunga bunga. Before going to bunga bunga, entonces, must comprare muchos preservativos y non sapere come dire in italian preservativos y adonde acheter preservativos. Tu sabes?

Do you mean schützend, capote anglaise, präservativ, bevarende, I mean condom?

No, yo entiendo preservativos. Io tenere much miedo fuckare, hacer l’amor, sex con una mujer, frau, woman, donna, femme, kvinde en este sitio, bunga bunga sitio, sin preservativo, molto peligroso, forstå?

Pas du tout. Nichts. Don’t understand. Adios, bye.

Entschuldigen, do you tale mis idioma? Parlare español?

Cosa vuoi?

Quiero comprare preservativos, do you know where?

Vuoi dire preservativi, pre-se-rva-ti-vi, condoms?

Claro, preservativos, ya. Adonde?

Lì, in farmacia, puoi comprare tutti i cazzi di capotes anglaises che vuoi.



Que dices?

Vaffanculo! Fuck you!

Lo mismo a ti. The same go you!

The greatest happiness for the greatest number of people

The old young utilitarian adage is always of an amazing interest: the greatest good of the greatest number. Better: the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.

I really can’t understand, I just can’t understand why why why a ridiculous number of parasites should use, exploit, destroy the life of billion people with the only purpose to satisfy their vices, greedness, egoism, their mean inhuman ambition. It’s so, and everydody knows it, above all the parasites, the rest is rhetoric.

People, People, People, People of all ages and all over the world, wake up, wake up, your time has come, your time is ripe, your time is the Time, don’t miss then this date: get what belongs to you!

What a fantastic world

He bought them all. Nobody excluded. This is called democracy. Clear? Democracy! Full stop. What a disgusting thing just to think that one belongs to this kind of democracy. People, People, People, you are the only one, the only one in the whole planet, the only one in which there is still a bit of hope. Wake up, wake up, wake up or otherwise go to hell!