The universe as it is and not as we want it to be in 10 images Archive

The universe as it is and not as we want it to be in 10 images (1)

  First picture of the universe   For all those who love, not lies told by interested parties from millennia to millennia but for all those who love truth and reality.   Let’s see, for an instant, all the phenomena that make up the entire universe, not the way we want to see them, but

The universe as it is and not as we want it to be in 10 images

  I divide the world into real and not real. Particles, atoms, molecules, proteins, phenomena, all physical things are real; ideas, theories, inventions, concepts, are unreal in the sense that they are not physical, they exist thanks to the physical world. This last one istotally independent from the human world.Sure, we can have a brief,