the invention of god Archive

The Inexistence of God: a Deception of Humanity Which Has Lasted Thousands of Years – 4 posts, the fourth*

 “In principle, God didn’t create either the heavens or the earth, but it was the Elohim, or   those of them who made cultivatable fields from areas where there was water and sand,” Mauro Biglino Keeping in mind how evil and inhumane Yahweh was, in the second part of his DVD, “L’invenzione di Dio” (The Invention

The Inexistence of God: a Deception of Humanity Which Has Lasted Thousands of Years – 4 posts, the third

“In principle, God didn’t create either the heavens or the earth, but it was the Elohim, or those of them who made cultivatable fields from areas where there was water and sand,” Mauro Biglino After having passed over the six, six, six, six million Jews who starved or met other deaths in various countries, after

The non existence of God: a deception against humanity that lasted for millennia – 4 posts, the first *

In the beginning God created neither heaven nor earth, but it was Elohim, or whom for them, who modified a piece of land where there was water and sand,       Mauro Biglino It was inevitable that sooner or later this would happen. All the most intelligent men and genius of the Earth have always