thalassemia Archive

Reflection on Life and Death and Man’s real position in the universe

  Exists a new philosophy of life? Yes, it exists And you’re about To know it.   An existential will differs from the usual will that one leaves after death. This type of “will” lists the names or the name to whom one wants to leave his possessions; the “existential will”, instead, talks about how

The nightmare

Everyone has his borderline experiences. I had had one of these in Paris a few years before I started working as a tourist guide for Paris Vision. My existential angst, which I had long been keeping under control by sheer will power, suddenly exploded. Then a nauseating, gloomy, intolerable vision of life took hold of

The dream

At the beginning of the Seventies, I began to give French and Italian lessons to small groups of students in private schools – International School of Languages, Holmes Language School, Berlitz Language school in Melbourne. I would have liked to have had a deeper, more academic knowledge of these languages but what I did have