Deep space doesn’t exist it’s all nonsense


Are we crazy? Do we mock ourselves? Do they take us all for idiots? There is no deep space. Space is infinite and in this mini niche that we occupy in the universe and in infinite space, it only makes chickens laugh to think of finding anything else around the Great Whole.

Physically speaking, everything that exists in space is identical, the same, nothing changes from one phenomenon to another, all composed of the same matter, from the first particle.

Everything that exists in the solar system: particles, atoms, molecules, proteins, cells, living beings, material phenomena, from “a” to “z” are identical, change only form, shape, and this is so everywhere in the entire universe.

What is Euclid doing in space, then? All our planet, the Earth, needs is a space umbrella that protects it from other celestial bodies that come from deep space and how we could move them away from crushing against the Earth and avoid disaster. That’s all, the rest is waste of time and money paid by the taxpayers. Euclid a mockery for anyone who has a bit of brain!

And then who pays all the costs of this satellite called Euclid in search of mental nonsense in the Universe? The Middle Ages is not over yet!?

Millions and millions of people die of hunger, disease, drought, all the cancers created by the homo-species and these gentlemen spend billions and billions of euros to play their childish games!


Dark matter and dark energy

They are one and the same thing: a product of the cosmic mass. They are, the two masses put together, the living and the dead matter. We could define living matter and dead matter like this: on one side there is the dark matter and on the other side the dark energy, that is the mass that makes up the dead universe. How is created the dark matter? It is created by the dead mass discharged by black holes and other potential space happenings. The gap that exists between dark matter and dark energy is made by the inevitable division that exists between these two phenomena. The matter that makes up the living universe and the empty space that exists between dark matter and dark energy, is due to the discharge force near the tailpipe, that is at the end of the black hole. Basically, dark matter and dark energy are one and the same thing: there is no one without the other.

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