The Four Pillars Which Hold up the Cosmic Edifice


The universe is supported by four fundamental pillars. Here they are:

1         nothingness of nothingness

2         the proto-element

3         space

4         time

Let’s look at them one by one.


The first: nothingness of nothingness

Why we define it as “nothingness of nothingness”? Because in “nothing”, as it is seen by science, there are particles, atoms, molecules and therefore it is not correct to define it as nothing, but it is not so in nothingness of nothingness. In nothingness of nothingness there is nothing, nonexistence, zero, nullity, just an endless void and nothing else. Nothingness of nothingness is unique, is singular and nobody and nothing inhabits it. This is the first pillar of our cosmic edifice.

The second: the proto-element

The proto-element is the lilliputian particle which was casually generated by nothingness of nothingness. It went, more or less, like this: from nothingness of nothingness, at a certain point, a corpuscle appeared spontaneously, the proto-element, a phenomenon full of properties that were necessary to create the universe we know today.

The mystery that surrounds this initial appearance, if we want to see it as a mystery and not as a natural event, is simple to understand. Simple if we see it as an embryo. An embryo has everything in it to create a future body, just as the proto-element had everything in it to create the universe. In other words, as in the seed there is the entire plant, in the proto-element there is the entire universe. This is the second pillar of our cosmic edifice.

The third: space

Space is easy to understand, but not to see. It is invisible like nothingness of nothingness. It is everywhere and it is infinite. In it, a billion of universes, are no bigger than an atom. Has it a color? Probably white, probably black or the one we want. Space comes immediately after the proto-element and is the third phenomenon to confirm the existence of our whole world. Any object, large or small, in order to exist, needs space. No space: no object, no universe. Of course, and this should be clear, nothingness of nothingness and space are only concepts, hypothesis, theoretical ideas and not physical phenomena. We cannot avoid them, because they are irreplaceable and necessary to comprehend the foundations of our universe. This is the third pillar of the cosmic edifice.

The fourth: time

Time doesn’t exist, the phenomena exist, but not time. Time, like space and nothingness of nothingness, doesn’t exist as a phenomenon, as an object, as something. The proto-element exists, but not time. Time is necessary, like space and nothingness as a concept, a theory. Let’s take an example, let’s take a child and begin from his birth to childhood to adolescence to adulthood to old age and, therefore, to death. This picture confirms how phenomena are used and consumed, not by time, of course, but by the substance they have been made, materialized, built. Each object in this world, man included, has a relative life according  to the matter he/it is made, but not at all by time. The substance the phenomena are built, decides their life duration. Time, as a phenomenon, doesn’t exist, and bad luck for Einstein who sustained all along his life that time existed. I repeat: time is only a concept as nothingness of nothingness and space. It is not an object, has no aspect. In other words, time belongs to the world of the abstract, the artificial, the invention and not to that of physical phenomena. This is the fourth and last pillar of our cosmic edifice.

The difference between nothingness of nothingness on one side and the proto-element, space and time on the other side, is that nothingness of nothingness exists without them; they, without nothingness of nothingness, become inconceivable.

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